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Bryan Largay Appointed to SLVWD Board of Directors

Felton resident Bryan Largay was appointed to the San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) Board of Directors on June 13, 2024. He fills the vacancy left by Director Gail Mahood who resigned in May and has moved out of the area. Largay will serve the remainder of the term, and the seat will be up for election in November for a new four-year term, for which he will be eligible to run.

In a statement, SLVWD said, “Director Largay is a long-time San Lorenzo Valley resident who brings a deep understanding of conservation and water science. He earned a Master of Science in hydrology from UC Davis. He currently works as the director of conservation for a local nonprofit, where he oversees water quality protection and ecological restoration. He also serves on the board of the San Lorenzo Valley Foundation for Education, connecting students and schools with much-needed resources to receive a quality education.”

Director Largay said, “I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the community through my role on the District Board. I hope to apply my 25 years of experience in water resources, land management, and grants funding to help the District overcome major challenges. We are finally addressing aging infrastructure but our facilities have been profoundly damaged by natural disasters.”

How do we get out of this mess?

Acknowledging that the District also faces escalating costs of doing business and that ratepayers also face high costs of living, making higher rates especially painful, Director Largay said, “California is famous for its high taxes. At first glance that just adds to the problem. But in fact we must use it to our advantage. The state returns enormous sums of money to local jurisdictions through grants. The US government does the same through FEMA. Other agencies in Santa Cruz County are savvy to this and receive hundreds of millions annually through these programs. It isn’t simple. Applying for and managing state and federal funding takes a lot of time, expertise, and resources. Red tape is everywhere. But it is absolutely worth it.”

Director Largay believes the District “needs to invest urgently in our staff to get our projects ‘shovel ready’ and to write and administer grants and disaster reimbursements. That will bring our state and federal tax money back home. It will also give us the only chance we’ve got to make our water supplies affordable, reliable, sustainable — and resilient — before the next disaster. Most importantly, I look forward to serving everyone in the District, which is a big place stretching from Lompico to Boulder Creek to Scotts Valley. I welcome feedback. Get in touch! The District website will have my contact information posted soon.”

SLVWD Board of Directors Seat Open

The SLVWD also announced that the District is accepting applications for another open board seat. “Director Jayme Ackemann has submitted her resignation, effective June 21, following her decision to move out of the area.” Applications for the position are available at the SLVWD Office, 13060 Hwy. 9, in Boulder Creek, or on the District’s website. Applications must be received by the District Secretary no later than Monday, July 1, at 3:00 pm.

Featured photo: SLVWD interim Board Member Bryan Largay. Contributed photo.


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Julie Horner is Co-Founder and Editor for the San Lorenzo Valley Post. Julie lives and works in Boulder Creek and is an active participant in the county's vibrant music scene. She loves the outdoors and is the go-to expert on Santa Cruz Mountains hiking trails.

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